What God Is Doing Through Isaiah’s Life…

What God Is Doing Through Isaiah’s Life. So I have to share with you all how powerful our God is. I pray daily that he would use me. That I would die to my flesh and follow him. I also pray that he would open doors that need to be open and close those that…

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Earthquake… Erin Vega0 Comments July 26 2015 0   This am around 5am I woke up to a house that was being shaken violently. My husband then terrified grabbed my arm tightly. I was very shocked by this as I had never seen him afraid before. This is coming from a man who falls asleep…

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Isaiah’s Foundation… Be The Difference

So this is actually happening! God’s foundation in honor of Isaiah is about to happen. I am praying that God work through us as we move forward and try to be the difference. Please join me in prayer. Lord I ask that you would bless this foundation. I ask that you would help us to…

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I’m Not The Only One Hurting…

I’m Not The Only One Hurting… Here we are eight months after Isaiah’s death. The shock has worn off, people have returned to their own live (how dare they) and we are faced with the harsh reality that our baby will never return to this earth. I’m learning that I am not the only one…

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