But Above All These Things, Put On Love

But Above All These Things, Put On Love

I have been sitting in this quiet living room for over an hour just allowing myself to feel my feelings. The tears fall down my face and onto my lap. With every tear that falls, a little more weight is lifted from my heart. These tears are not just sad tears, they are cleansing and revealing tears. See no matter how bad this hurts I praise him. In doing so I am giving him free reign over my heart. God is NEAR to those who are crushed in spirit.

“To the one who has broken and torn me apart. You strike down to bind me up and say you do it all in love, that I might know you in my suffering. Though you slay me, I will praise you, though you take from me, I will bless your name, though you ruin me, still I will worship, sing a song to the one who is all I need.” – Shane and Shane Though you slay me. 

Ecclesiastes 7:14-Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.Screen Shot 2015-05-24 at 1.54.45 PM

I feel as if I have been walking around with dark shaded glasses for the past 30 years and now God has removed them. It is so bright, so beautiful and yet extremely painful.  All of the sudden I have been able to stop my emotions and see this place and my situation for what it really is. It is in these moments that shows God and the rest of the world who we really are. Do we curse God? Do we hurt others to make ourselves feel better? Will we lie to project ourselves in a way that is untrue so that people will like us?

But Above All These Things, Put On Love

We have all been given a choice. We all have free will. We will have been hurt by our closest love ones, and hurt the ones we love most. We will all make bad choices at some point in our lives. Some with minor consequences, and some can cost lives. I am learning to consider the source. if you will. We are all flawed. We all sin, and all fall short. If we can get ourselves to focus less on the person committing the sin, and more at the sin itself, we will then allow ourselves to let go of hate and resentment towards one another and focus on the evil one (the source). We will then be able to better handle day-to-day struggles with a clear mind.

Things do not have to always be so complex. If someone is mistreating you, or there is a situation bringing you agony. It can be as simple as, continue a relationship with this person looking past all flaws, loving unconditionally and constantly lifting them up in prayer. Or, no longer have a personal relationship with that person, looking past all flaws, loving unconditionally and constantly lifting them up in prayer.We have to keep in mind that we are all people. Someone’s mother, someones baby. someones father, exedrae.

We can continue to live with fear, anger and resentment. Or, lay it all down at the cross and start a new, with God as your guide. Screen Shot 2015-05-23 at 10.52.27 PM

But Above All These Things, Put On Love

Please take it from someone who has suffered a great loss. I would go back and do so many things different if given the chance. I would do anything for one more hug, one more kiss. I will live with this regret the rest of my life. If you are reading this and by the grace of God have not had to experience the loss of a child or a close loved one please make the choice to be the change. Next time you see your baby stop, look deep into their eyes, feel their heart beat, stroke their hair and thank the good Lord that you have them for another day. Be the best parent you can be. Invest in them and make them your priority. If you have experienced what I am experiencing, first let me say I am so sorry. Keep your eyes on God, he is the only way we can get through this on top. Please join me in putting aside our judgments, criticism and complaining. Let’s love on someone who we would normally distance ourselves from. You never know what god has in store for you and that other person. Remember God uses the least of these. Let’s stay focused constantly loving one another and showing grace just as our Heavenly Father does for us day in and day out.

Colossians 3:14- But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

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