Choosing Spirit Over Flesh…

Choosing Spirit Over Flesh…

I had been struggling for the longest time about whether or not my husband should join us for this meeting. I prayed and decided it was best that he didn’t. My husband still has hate in his heart towards him and I know that we had to check that at the door if God was going to move. It broke my heart when I had to tell my husband he should stay outside. I get teary eyed just thinking about it now. I could tell it hurt his heart but I know it was for the best.

We all sat around the table in an awkward silence. When I was asked why I called the meeting, my therapists words came to my mouth. I said “I just want to hear you out,” He than, reached in his pocket and pulled out a note he had written. He was wearing a red bracelet on his wrist that got my attention, on it was Isaiah’s name. My mind began to race. Why in the world would this man be wearing a bracelet with my baby’s name on it? Before he could get a word out he began to sob uncontrollably. I knew then that this was not the man satan had tried to convince me that he was. He proceeded to tell me how sorry he was, he expressed that he too is a parent and couldn’t imagine what I feel day in and day out. At one point in our conversation I reached in my  purse to pull out Isaiah’s journals to read to him. He  stopped me and told me that he had already read them. As a matter of fact he knew everything about my son and I. From our love for super heroes, to Isaiah’s smile, and our love for Jesus. This young man had been following me since that horrible day. I learned then that Isaiah had become a part of their daily life. He shared with me that  This boy and I spoke for a long time. Out of respect for him I won’t disclose all the details.

After we spoke for a while he than asked if his mom could come in. She had been wanting to speak to me from day one, but due to the lawyers demands, she wasn’t allowed to. Let me take a little break and tell you the way satan slipped his way in and had me so screwed up. Remember that day I saw them at target? I was so pissed that they literally ran from me as if I was the criminal? As if I had killed his daughter. I felt like he was once again running. While I was there crying. Little did I know the real reason they left in a hurry was because someone had been threatening him. They knew that people wanted to hurt him, and didn’t know if any of those people were with me at that time. His mom being the protector took them out of there as quick as she could. His mom explained so much to me. Then shared with me that Isaiah has become a part of their daily life. She hugged me as tight as she could and wept. I was able to feel her pain. Just for a second let’s put ourselves in her shoes. Imagine, getting a call telling you that your son has hit and killed an 11-year-old and is now on the run?! Wow, the worse thing Isaiah ever did was take a quarter out of my purse. Imagine the stress of raising a man living a dangerous lifestyle. To look into her little boys eyes and see so much potential, and so little action. It must be heartbreaking. She also shared with me that Isaiah and I had a relationship very similar to theirs. I then realized, I do not know what Isaiah would have got into had he made it past 12 years old. We all like to think our son or daughter will become president but to be real, it’s a cold world. Sin becoming more and more enticing daily. This gave me to view my situation from a different lens. I was finally seeing that Isaiah was free. I was able to pat myself on the back and say…. “you did it. your baby is in heaven.” This young man’s mother cannot do the same. Feeling their pain, and them feeling mine was very freeing for all of us.

The time had come to end the meeting, I couldn’t let this meeting end without acknowledging God for what he had done. I told them I wanted to pray, as I began to pray the words just flew out of my mouth. God was moving in that place. The room was super hot and we were all teary eyed. I have never witnessed God move the way he did that day. I thought the meeting I was having was just for him, in reality the meeting was also for me, my husband, the DA, the DA’s assistant, The detective sitting between us, his family, my family, his mother and all of you. God doesn’t discriminate he wants ALL of us!

After the meeting each person in that room came to me and shared that they hadn’t seen anything like that in there before. The DA’s assistant thanked me for allowing her to be a part of something so special and beautiful, she told me that she could see God working through Isaiah in that room. The detective looked at me and said “you are one courageous young lady, God bless you”. The young man’s lawyer even approached me. With tears in his eyes, he reached out his hand, and introduced himself using his first name. It went from business to personal in a matter of minuets. He told me that he has been doing this for 25 years and has never witnessed anything like this. He said he has never witnessed such grace and mercy.

Man! God is outstanding!!! It was my pleasure to share with them how God uses us to bless other’s in ways we could never imagine. Now I truly belive with my whole heart that they took this home to their family that night. As Christians we are called to be a fisher of men. All we have to do is be obedient and he will do the rest. I mean, I literally just showed up and God did the rest. God can bring peace, and harmony in All situations, all we have to do is let him.

Proverbs 16:7 – When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Jeremiah 42:12-I will show you compassion so that he will have compassion on you and restore you to your land.’157669659

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