Isaiah’s Foundation… Be The Difference

So this is actually happening! God’s foundation in honor of Isaiah is about to happen. I am praying that God work through us as we move forward and try to be the difference. Please join me in prayer.

2012-09-09_15-14-13_121Lord I ask that you would bless this foundation. I ask that you would help us to die to ourselves Lord so that you may work through us. Lord thank you for allowing Isaiah to have made such an impact on so many. Through his legacy I feel as if he is still here with me. I am sure that others feel the same. Lord I don’t want to move without you. Open doors that need to be opened and close doors that need to be closed. God I give you complete control. I bind satan and all his demons right now in the name of Jesus and send them back to hell! This belongs to you and it will grow if that is your will. Help all of us to accept the things that we cannot change, and change the things we can. Lord God Almighty, we love you and thank you for all that you have done, and are going to do. In your son’s precious name we pray. Amen

If you want to help getting Isaiah up and running I encourage you to come join us at our next fundraiser. If you are not able to come out or are just not interested in the Alice and Wonderland Pictures (men most likely) lol.. Please fill free to donate by purchasing tickets and getting yourself into a drawing for a few photo shoot. Thank you so much for your support. God Bless!

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