Isaiah’s Light…

Isaiah’s Light…

I’m sitting here at the dinner table, blown away. I cannot believe that I am still breathing. Let’s be real. Isaiah was the air I breathed, the reason I got up, the reason I worked, the reason I lived.

Isaiah and I were inseparable… IMG_3714

Satan was out to get Isaiah from conception. I was in a horrible place when I became pregnant with him. I was 17 and living in a struggling single parent home, sharing a room with my brother and sister. Where would the baby go? How could I work, go to school and be a mommy? His dad was also young and scared. I was sure my only option was abortion.

My mom was super supportive. She was pro-life and promised we would find a way to make it work. Although I appreciated her positivity, I struggled to see how it would be possible at the time. One day, while sitting in the living room, she asked me what I planned on naming the baby. Shaking to the core, I told her that I had decided to go through with the abortion. She was furious and began to cry. She picked up the book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” that she had just purchased for me, and she threw it out the door, into the street. She ran out and slammed the door behind her. I remember falling to my knees begging God to help me. I had the sudden urge to run, so I opened the front door of my house and found that same book sitting there untouched. I asked myself how the book got there? Why was it there and why did it make me feel this way?

I wasn’t prepared for what came next…

IMG_5149I felt the overwhelming presence of God so strong that I had to sit down. I had this vision of a beautiful baby wrapped in blue. He had caramel color skin, curly hair and a big smile. I knew then that his name was Isaiah. I didn’t know who, what, when, where or how, but I knew I was having a baby.

Why did I tell you all of this?

God had a calling on Isaiah’s life. He knew that he would touch the lives of many. God knew that he would be the vessel used to save my life and bring the light of Christ to many. Was God the only one who knew that? Nope! Satan knew it too, and let me tell you, a day didn’t pass that Isaiah and I didn’t face opposition. I heard countless times that I was sacrificing my career, that a single white woman has no business raising a black man, blah, blah, blah. God knew that I was the one for the job. Was I amazing? Nope! Did I fall? Like you wouldn’t believe. Did Isaiah? Yes! Wait, what? You heard it right. This kid fell straight from Heaven. I mean seriously! I failed a lot, but the one thing I didn’t fail at was teaching him to whom he belonged. I taught him about the love of Christ and he soaked it in. He fell so in love with Him, it was beautiful and inspiring. His light was so contagious I just needed to have it. It wasn’t long after that God allowed me to hit my rock bottom. Isaiah and I rebuilt from there with God as our foundation.

Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 11.36.43 PMOn October 23, 2014, my foundation was rocked. In the blink of an eye, my life was ripped from my hands. I was 100% sure I would die. I am so blessed to say that God is turning this trial into a testimony. I know that Isaiah is very much alive in heaven. I know that I will get to see him again. In that I find joy.

Please join me in making this place safer for our children. I know it is what Isaiah wants. I know that God is using his life and his death to change things. Will you help? Isaiah’s Be A Light Foundation can make this place better, but we need your help. God says that the body is made up of many single moving parts, without one, the others will suffer. We can’t do it without you.

Please go to to see how you can get involved in the Be A Light movement.

It only takes a spark to start a blaze!


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