My Son Is My Super Hero…

My Son Is My Super Hero…

It is 1941 and the world is in the throes of war. Steve Rogers  wants to do his part and join America’s armed forces, but the military rejects him because of his small stature. Finally, Steve gets his chance when he is accepted into an experimental program that turns him into a super soldier called Captain America. Joining forces with Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter. Captain America leads the fight against the Nazi-backed HYDRA organization.

Isaiah and Captain America, one in the same? Trying to change the world and do big boy things in a small boy’s body. Realizing he could never do it alone he underwent an amazing experimental treatment called Christianity. Isaiah joined forces with his mommy, God, Jesus, the holy spirit and all the angels to bring down as many demons as he could and win as many lives over to Christ as he could before he was called home. Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 11.33.50 PM

My Son Is My Super Hero…

He had this outstanding conviction even when no one else was watching. He wouldn’t even take a drink of soda out of the fridge because he knew I asked him not to and Jesus was watching. When he would come home from school he would let me know if he had said any cuss words… like really? Why?

One day he asked me if he could have some change to buy a pencil but I was too busy to stop and check and this kid had so many pens and pencils at this point I told him no. I would do anything for that exact moment back, I would stop what I was doing and give him the change he needed. Many times as parents we get so caught up in making sure our children have the bigger things, we neglect paying attention to the little things. All the things that seem so small to us, are very huge to them.

He ended up going in my purse and just taking the change out of my purse when I was in the other room. When I came out I saw my wallet open and Isaiah had his eyes full of tears already. With fear and hesitation in my voice I asked him if he had taken money from me. He responded immediately with yes and began to cry. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was so surprised because it was so outside of his character to do such a thing, we had a moment of like, wait? we both cried together, talked about it and settled it the best way we could.

Every time Isaiah and I would get into an argument He would always go into the closet cry and talk to God, I would go into the restroom and do the same. It was impossible to stay mad at Isaiah. We would come out and apologize and move on with our day. We had this type of connection that was impossible to carry on with our day if we knew the other was unhappy. As I write this, the tears are falling down my face. I could go on forever with all the way Isaiah blew me away by his empathy and honesty. My Son Is My Super Hero. Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 4.29.34 PM

This relationship, I can ever recreate. All I can do now is try my hardest to be the kind of person he was. I would love to be unmovable in my faith and unmovable in my love towards others. God said we are to operate in love and Isaiah did just that. He was a beacon of light and through him love spilled out. My Son Is My Super Hero…

John 8:12
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

Matthew 5:14-16
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampshade, and it gives light to all who are in the house. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Isaiah had such strength and endurance, inherited from his father. He was knocked down time and time again. A perfect example is when he played pop warner football. He was the smallest and oldest kid on his team. He would constantly get cracked. The kids loved to pick on the little guys which is heart breaking. Isaiah held his head high and got up over and over. I would get so nervous during his practices and games. There were parts of me that didn’t want to let him continue but Isaiah was very strong-willed and determined. He had a fighting heart and refused to stay down. I couldn’t take his dreams of being a professional football player from him. This situation has thought me not to go through life crippled with fear. We are all going either way, you might as well live life to the fullest and go for your dreams. I was scared that Isaiah was going to get hit too hard in the head during football and it turned out some kid lost in this world got high, blindly raced through the intersection and ended his life.

We have no control over people and their choices. There was nothing more I could have done to keep Isaiah alive other than try to stop him from growing up and taking chances. IMG_1962

One thing I do know for sure is that my baby died happy. Living his dreams, being inspired and inspiring others. My baby lived as if nothing could stop him. No bully, no neglect, no selfish act, no hate, and no racism could stop him. I think the devil got tired of Isaiah making everything he touched feel God’s love and got scared. I think he thought if he could take Isaiah out he would take me and many others out also. Well satan, I put you on notice! I got my baby’s shoes on and I’m ready for battle. I’ll be fighting with my Captain America until my heavenly daddy calls me home.

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