

This week has been a week from hell. I mean hit after hit, to the point I don’t even want to answer my phone or check the mail for the next month. I felt very lost and alone… So, I dug deep into my word, praying God would give me rest in my spirit. I could go on and on about my challenges, but who wants to read about drama? You’re probably thinking, most people last time I checked. Seriously though, I’d rather focus on the bottom line and not the problems. This week God really called me out. He showed me a lot about myself and others (that I didn’t even know existed).

I learned that God has rules for a reason. Levi Lusko gave a great example of why it is important to follow Gods rules. He used sex before marriage. He said if we have sex before marriage, and continue to do so until our wedding date, by the time we marry we will be numb to intimacy, and then sex will become strictly physical matter.  Without even realizing it, we can slowly but surely destroy your marriage from the inside out. We can get caught up in the comparison of previous partners, or in the fact that we are no longer skinny and fit. If sex is physical at this point and the intimacy is gone, our marriage will most likely end in divorce.

God tests us before he blesses us. When we fail the test, we miss out on the blessing. We have the power to destroy our own destiny all on our own. Now I am a perfect example of God still using our consequences to bless others, but is it worth it? What did I have to give up or lose on this journey? Wouldn’t you rather have the steak and lobster dinner, over the rice chex with soy milk? I know I would have but hey, I made my bed… you know the rest. That doesn’t mean I do not find joy on a day-to-day basis, because I do. I now have a new calling, and I am blessed to live in that! God has blessed me tremendously, when I don’t deserve it.

God doesn’t want us to settle for the secret or shameful he wants us to be patient, so we can be proud of who we are and what we have accomplished in him.

Transparent moment… I am so happy with my life and who I am surrounded by, but do I think it was part of God’s master plan for it to roll out like this?  I settled time and time again for the cheap, when God wanted to give me gold. I was/am impatient, selfish and blinded by my own fleshly desires. I strive day in and day out to stop this pattern. At times I want to give up. Not in a suicidal way, but in a let me just get a job for the man and stay low kind of way… Sometimes I have to ask God why he chose me, and if he is sure. I make the same mistakes over and over. I fall in to satan’s manipulative traps, and let my emotions control my decisions and I don’t even realize it is happening.

Anyone else do this? Yes, you do, you owe to yourself to be honest…

There is hope… 

In time things will get restored… Judges 16:22 For those of you that know the story, Sampson’s hair grew back. God used him in a bigger way than he had ever been used before, yet, he lived in hell here on earth for the remainder of his days. I guess  what I am saying is we can make this earthly ride as peaceful or as turbulent as we like. It all depends on our decisions. Do we please our flesh? Or do we feed our spirit?

“If satan can’t get you to hell he will open up hell here for you on earth. He wants to make it impossible for you to take anyone to heaven with you” – Levi Lusko

If you are reading this I have a favor to ask of you. Will you please pray?  Pray that God opens our eyes to the spiritual attacks going on around us. Pray that he will give us the strength to fight fire with fire. Together lets resist the devil so he has no choice but to flee.

I Corinthians 10:13- The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

I thought this blog was over but I guess not…

God is a God of grace and mercy, but he is also a God of Justice. We need to remember that no matter how far of the path we get, he will still be waiting for us when we return. As a matter of fact, he will be calling our name the entire time. He wants us to know that it is okay to come back. It is better to come back all jacked up then not to come back at all. So if there is anyone out there that feels so ashamed or so disappointed in yourself that you can’t lift your head in a crowded room, DO IT ANYWAY. Look past all the people, and all the mess and straight to our heavenly father. He will get you through. Don’t let satan keep you in that mess any longer. So what, you messed up. You’re trying to make it right now and the only way you can do that is by placing your trust in him. Accept his grace, forgiveness and consequences. Also, be able to show yourself grace. I know from personal experience that I have been an emotional wreck since Isaiah went to heaven. In my experience heavy grief brings upon a clouded weak mind and a lack of focus, which leads to, poor decision-making. What am I going to do about it? Pray, pray some more, study, study some more and then let go and…. you know the rest.

What situations are you in that may be clouding your judgment? What areas in your life need fixing? Allow Him in and ready your heart to make the changes necessary to move you along this journey.

God bless you all. Thank you so much for being on the journey with me. I pray this blessed you like it blessed me. If you haven’t already checked out Pastor Levi Lusko, please do so. God is using him in mighty ways. He has blessed my journey, and I am sure he will bless yours also.


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