Romans 8:28

These letters are from people who have had their lives altered by Isaiah’s Passing.  This shows me that no matter what satan pulls apart God brings back together even bigger than before. They also remind me that someone is ALWAYS watching, we must at all times be a display of God’s love. In a matter of minutes we can change someones life. I am so blessed to know that God can use me even while broken. I hope these bless you like they did me….IMG_3898

Like I’ve said before, I have no idea what you’re going through…I can only imagine and sympathize. But your most recent post, that I read after coming home from working back to back shifts and feeling sorry for myself, made me realize something. Something I’m not proud of, and maybe other people wouldn’t be able to not pass judgement on but which makes me want you to realize that his passing is changing lives….I don’t feel sorry for myself or need attention from people to make me feel better….when I’m stressed out or feeling low, for whatever reason, I’ve always turned to alcohol and/or drugs. I have no shame or regrets about it, it just is me. When I told you that Isaiah’s celebration of life awoken something in me, and that I wasn’t saying I’m committing to church every Sunday but definitely experienced a spiritual awakening, it was more like my version of your God showing me how precious life is, and how much it should be appreciated and not wasted on such silly shit. Basically, on my worst day, when I’m stressed out cuz my face is broken out, I’ve gained 30lbs, I’m starting to get crows feet, my son doesn’t give me the affection I want, my car payment is late, I stub my toe, I forget to pay the electric, blah blah….it’s all nothing compared to you just wishing to smell his breath again, hear his laugh again, hug him, squeeze him, kiss, pinch poke, fart on each other…lol…seeing you be so strong made me ask myself WTF, if this woman can be so strong right now, through the worst pain of her life, how can I seriously make excuses for myself……since that day, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine here or there but started seeing and living my life in a more positive way…..Isaiah’s death may have possibly saved my life….not trying to sound dramatic but it is what it is…so yeah, he is changing lives.

Hi Erin… Before we close out 2014, I just want you to know that I carried you in my heart all year.
Every morning I’d wake up and check Facebook and read your prayers and quotes. When I found out about the accident with your son I was so heartbroken.
I was scared you would lose your faith.
I was driving on the freeway when I read on Facebook about the accident. I couldn’t breathe, my heart was so broken for you and your family.
My husband kept asking me what was wrong. I couldn’t even talk… When I finally arrived to my destination I had explained to him everything.
He was heartbroken as well.
I remember telling him how I’d wake up and read your post every day and that I was afraid you would lose your faith.
I’m so glad you didn’t!!!!
You are such an inspiration to me.
When I’m down or going through a bad time you always post something that makes me feel better.
You’re so amazing!!!
The words of God are so powerful!!
Your baby Isaiah is with you always!!!
His light shines so bright through you.
I just want to say thank you to both you and Isaiah for always lifting my spirits.
May God bring you an amazing new year.
Happy New Years girlie.
Much love.

Erin. I know we don’t talk anymore but I wanted to share with you what happened to me this morning.I have felt impacted by Isaiah’s story. I’m not a religious person and I can’t explain it but since this world lost him not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about him. Literally every day.This morning on my way into work I was stopped for a woman in the cross walk. Just as she stepped off the curb the man who was stopped behind me sped around my vehicle and almost hit her. He never even slowed down. As I drove off to work I thought of your son. This man was in front of me at the gate going onto base and I got so mad. I followed him onto base intending on giving him a piece of my mind. He was going to medical for a doctor’s appointment. I wrote him a very rude not and went to leave it on his windshield only to feel compelled not to. So I got back in my car and went to the gym as planned.But it kept eating at me.As I was leaving the gym I felt compelled to return to see if his vehicle was still there and it was. This time I wrote another note. A simple and respectful one. I shared Isaiah’s story and asked him to think of your family on Christmas and I asked him to think of Isaiah the next time he feels compelled to speed through a cross walk where someone is crossing.I am so sorry for your loss, Erin. I can’t imagine what you are going through. But Isaiah has touched so many lives. You are right. He must have been on borrowed time as an angel here. The night he died was the first time I spoke to God in over 10 years.Isaiah is working through Christ in my life right now. Thank you for bringing such an amazing boy into this world.

These are just a few of the many amazing stories that have been shared with me. I guess the point of me sharing these are to encourage you during your tough circumstance. whatever it is that you are going through you have to know that God will work all things together for the good, for those who love him. Romans 8:28. I know it is hard to see the good in some things, but I think if you just change lenses things will become clear.

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