What God Is Doing Through Isaiah’s Life…

What God Is Doing Through Isaiah’s Life.

So I have to share with you all how powerful our God is. I pray daily that he would use me. That I would die to my flesh and follow him. I also pray that he would open doors that need to be open and close those that need to be shut. It is mind-blowing as he DOES JUST THAT. All surrounding one person (Isaiah). My son was a magnificent man of God. I say man because he was wide beyond his years. It is amazing the legacy he has left behind and how God has used that to bless so many, even in his death. IMG_6726

Yesterday we had a fundraiser and we were able to make half the money needed to make the idea of Isaiah’s not profit a reality. I was so blessed and blown away by how many people stuck their hands out to give. As many of you know from my previous blogs Jason and I have spoken and I was able to forgive him. I was able to look at Jason and see a person. I was able to look at his mother Denise and see a person. Not the mother of the man who took my son’s life. Instead I see the mother, wife and christian who has done her best to keep her family safe and on the right path. God has given nothing but grace, mercy and love towards one another. I would take it as far as calling us friends. Being that she is so amazing it wasn’t surprising that many of her family members showed up to support us on this special day. They were so sweet, compassionate, caring and supportive. I also had a great deal of my family there and a lot of my aunts customers. We laughed, cried and joked. I’m still just so blown away by God’s power as I write this. God will use our friendship to change people from the inside out. IMG_9725

For those of us that are struggling with not being able to forgive, Trust me! It is only hindering us from living the life he has called us to live. That thing we are holding onto, that thing that keeps us up at night, is holding us in bondage. We need to remember that satan is the master of manipulation. He doesn’t want us to forgive one another because in that comes restoration and healing. God has called us to forgive. Not sometimes, but all the time, in all situations. By doing so, you open doors you didn’t even know existed. Don’t get me wrong just because we forgive does not mean we forget. We do have to practice discipline and discernment.

I came home and had a tough time thinking about my baby (it is to be expected). The entire day was spent explaining why it is that I am doing this, and what kind of kid my son was. I love to talk about him, don’t get me wrong, but it can at times leave me feeling drained. I do not think strength is not crying, or not grieving. I think strength is getting up after crying and being able to put a genuine smile back on your face, and realizing you still have many beautiful reasons to continue this life, and that you will see that person again, because the blood that Jesus shed on that cross. I cried throughout most of the night just reminiscing. I was grateful for the time. In that time is when God reveals himself to me the most. I feel so relieved after I let it all out.

This morning I woke up to a message from Kellie (Jason’s Aunt). It read that she was honored to be in our presence and that she was inspired by me. It also read that her and her husband spoke for a long time this morning about Isaiah’s foundation and decided that they would give the rest of the money I needed to move forward with the paperwork! Okay I have to pause as I ball my eyes out. Are you kidding me?? This is not a few dollars people this $1000.00. Because of this donation all the visions God has given me are going to come to pass. We are going to help many people! Isaiah’s legacy will live on, all in the name of our Heavenly Father. 

Just when I think my day couldn’t get any better I received this picture from Denise and her daughter. It read, heading to church with this picture attached. It is hard to put into words what it means to see them honoring my baby in this way. He has become a part of their daily life and I am just overflowing.IMG_9745
Lord I just want to say thank you. Thank you for your son, thank you for your grace, and thank you for your provision. I am beyond blessed . 


1 Comment

  • Juli

    July 27, 2015

    This touched my heart! Your baby is so so proud of you ❤️

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